Learn how to use your Paradigm Shift Planner

We've outlined some easy-to-follow guides on how to set up your planner and use each section effectively. Below you'll find a description of the section, a fully-completed example, and some videos to accompany and explain in more depth the purpose of each section.

Your Aspirational Life

Learn how to create a vision for your life. Your Aspirational Life will be the foundation for your goal-planning moving forward.

Your Aspirational Life

Start by asking yourself some important questions:

What does my ideal life look like in 10, 15, or even 20 years?

Where do I live? What kind of environment am I in?

What am I doing professionally and personally?

How do I feel on a daily basis? What emotions do I want to experience regularly—joy, peace, excitement, security?

Who are the people in my life? What kind of relationships do I have?

What kind of impact am I making on the world or on those around me?

As you reflect on these questions, write down your vision. Be as detailed as possible. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, and your vision can evolve over time. What’s most important is that you dream big and allow yourself to imagine what your best life looks like. This written vision will guide the goals you set in your planner, ensuring you stay aligned with what truly matters to you.

How to Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Use this moment to tell your future self about where you are in life now and encourage them to keep moving forward.

How to plan for a 12-week initiative.

The 12-week initiative section allows you to plan for a shorter amount of time and not be overwhelmed by your big life goals.

Initiative Planning

When you plan for an initiative, you're planning for the next 12 weeks. These 12 weeks don't need to align to any specific calendar dates, you can begin anytime. The purpose of planning for 12 weeks is to break down a a couple of themes that you derive from your Aspirational Life vision, and fully commit and focus on just those themes. Use the Initiative Planning page to create an outline of how you'll make progress towards those themes. This is a 12-week period, so be realistic and honest with yourself about how much you can accomplish during that time. These are BIG life goals you're going after. It's normal for many of these goals to span multiple Initiatives.

How to plan for a 2-week Sprint

Break down your 12-week intiatives into 2-week chunks of effort towards your larger goals

Sprint Goals (2 weeks)

Your sprint goals are derived directly from your Initiative Planning. Here, you want to figure out how much of your initiative you can accomplish in the next two weeks. You can break this down in multiple ways:

  1. For every sprint, work on the same sprint goals that come from your intiative.
  2. Focus on a different sprint goal every two weeks that come from your initiative.
  3. Use the first sprint to experiment and try a bunch of things before determining what you'll stick with in future sprints.

How to Set Up Your Weekly Spread

The weekly spread is composed of a page where you plan your daily habits and top priorities, and a page for your everyday planning.

Daily Habits & Tasks

The purpose of this section is to select daily habits that align to your sprint goals, which align to your Initiative, which aligns to your Aspirational Life vision.

Select daily habits that will move the needle and make a difference in your life. Choose things that are a bit challenging, but not impossible at this stage of your planning. For week 1, you might be tracking 3k steps per day. But in week 12 that could be 10k steps per day. Each Sprint and each week should be a progression from the previous.

Score yourself each week! On the "goal" line, select how many days you want to accomplish that task. On the "score" like, calculate how many days you completed the task and divide it by the number you set as your goal.

Retrospectives - Reflecting on your Sprint and Initiative progress


There are 3 types of retrospectives in this planner.

  1. Quick Retro: this is a space to reflect on your effort and progress each week.
  2. Sprint Retro: this is a more in-depth retro to reflect on your effort and progress over 2 weeks.
  3. Initiative Retro: this is the most in-depth retro to reflect on what you've accomplished over the last 12 weeks.